The Main Track of the Brazilian Symposium on Information and Computational Systems Security (SBSeg) is the primary means of disseminating of research in the security area within the event. Through it, the community can share its experiences and research results by submitting articles describing solutions that advance state-of-the-art themes of interest to the event. It involves:
SBSeg 2021 has two main tracks:
Papers can be written in Portuguese or English; the format must follow the SBC model for publishing articles, available on the SBC portal. The page limits for full and short papers must be strictly followed (under penalty of being returned without evaluation) and already include title, figures, tables, references, and appendices. The submission of papers will be made exclusively in PDF format through the SBC's JEMS system.
Papers must be submitted anonymously, i.e., authors should omit any information in the article's header, in the text, and in the references that link the article to the authors' reviewers, and their institutions. We recommend reading the Anonymous Submission Quick Guide from SBC's Horizontes magazine.
All papers will be evaluated by a body of reviewers, following a double blind review process (without identification of authors, reviewers and their institutions). To be published in the annals, accepted papers must be presented at the event by one of the authors, who must be formally registered. The full papers will be presented in technical sessions, and short papers will be presented as posters. One evaluation committee will choose the best among the papers presented at the event
Authors of accepted articles will have to sign a Term of Assignment of Copyrights (copyright) to the Brazilian Computer Society to make the publication feasible. Submission of articles already submitted and/or published in other events or scientific journals is not acceptable.
Important Recommendations: We recommended that authors review previous SBSeg publications to see if and how work has been developed in the same field by authors in our community. Besides, we suggest that authors consider the appropriateness of including references to related works published in previous editions of SBSeg (on the event websites or at the CESeg web page), aiming to honor and value the work of our security community.
Alberto Schaeffer Filho (UFRGS) |
Aldri dos Santos (UFMG) |
Allan Pinto (Unicamp) |
Altair Santin (PUC-PR) |
Alysson Bessani (University of Lisbon) |
Anderson Nascimento (University of Washington) |
André Grégio (UFPR) |
Antônio Abelém (UFPA) |
Augusto Neto (UFRN) |
Bruno Zarpelão (UEL) |
Carla Merkle Westphall (UFSC) |
Carlo Marcelo Revoredo da Silva (UPE) |
Carlos André Batista de Carvalho (UFPI) |
Carlos da Silva (Sheffield Hallam University) |
Carlos Maziero (UFPR) |
Carlos Raniery Paula dos Santos (UFSM) |
Daniel Batista (USP) |
Davidson Boccardo (Clavis - Segurança da Informação) |
Diego Kreutz (Unipampa) |
Diogo Mattos (UFF) |
Edna Canedo (UNB) |
Eduardo Alchieri (UNB) |
Eduardo da Silva (IFC) |
Eduardo Feitosa (UFAM) |
Eduardo Souto (UFAM) |
Emerson Ribeiro de Mello (IFSC) |
Ewerton Andrade (UNIR) |
Fernando Quintao Pereira (UFMG) |
Hilder Vitor Lima Pereira (KU Leuven) |
Igor Moraes (UFF) |
Ivan Sendin (UFU) |
Jean Martina (UFSC) |
Jeferson Campos Nobre (UFRGS) |
Jeroen van de Graaf (UFMG) |
João Gondim (UNB) |
Joaquim Celestino Júnior (UECE) |
Josivaldo Araujo (UFPA) |
Juliano Kazienko (UFSM) |
Kaio Barbosa (UFAM) |
Leonardo B. Oliveira (UFMG) |
Lisandro Zambenedetti Granville (UFRGS) |
Lucia Moura (University of Ottawa) |
Luciano Paschoal Gaspary (UFRGS) |
Lucila Bento (Inmetro) |
Luis Kowada (UFF) |
Luiz Carlos Albini (UFPR) |
Luiz Fernando Rust da Costa Carmo (Inmetro) |
Marco Aurelio Amaral Henriques (Unicamp) |
Marcos Simplicio Jr (USP) |
Mário Alvim (UFMG) |
Marjory Da Costa-Abreu (Sheffield Hallam University) |
Martín Vigil (UFSC) |
Michele Nogueira (UFMG) |
Michelle Wangham (Univali) |
Miguel Elias Mitre Campista (UFRJ) |
Miguel Franklin de Castro (UFC) |
Natalia Castro Fernandes (UFF) |
Otto Carlos Muniz Bandeira Duarte (UFRJ) |
Paulo André da Silva Gonçalves (UFPE) |
Paulo Barreto (University of Washington) |
Paulo de Geus (Unicamp) |
Paulo Matias (UFSCar) |
Pedro Velloso (UFRJ) |
Priscila Solis (UNB) |
Rafael de Sousa Junior (UNB) |
Raphael Machado (Inmetro) |
Raul Ceretta Nunes (UFSM) |
Ricardo Custódio (UFSC) |
Ricardo Dahab (Unicamp) |
Roberto Gallo (Kryptus) |
Roberto Samarone Araujo (UFPA) |
Ronaldo Sales (IME) |
Rossana Andrade (UFC) |
Routo Terada (USP) |
Sergio Oliveira (UFSJ) |
Vitor Hugo Galhardo Moia (Samsung Research) |
Walter Priesnitz Filho (UFSM) |
Program Committee Coordination
Marco Amaral Henriques (Unicamp)
Eduardo Souto (UFAM)
General Coordination of SBSeg 2021
Roberto Samarone Araujo (UFPA)
Antônio Abelém (UFPA)
CESeg Coordination
Michele Nogueira (UFMG)
Igor Moraes (UFF)
SBSeg 2021 is an initiative of the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC).